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Juror Frequently Asked Questions

  • I received notification asking me to complete the questionnaire, but I did not complete it within the time that it was due. Can I still complete the questionnaire now?

    Yes, please do.

  • I received the summons, but it is addressed to a family member or friend who no longer lives at my address. What do I do?

    If possible, forward the summons to the new address and/or provide the online questionnaire process. The return deadline will be waived.  If it is not possible to forward the summons, please write on the questionnaire that the person no longer lives at that address and then return the questionnaire to the Court.

  • If asked to report, how many hours will I be at the courthouse each day?

    On the first day you report, you will be requested to be at the courthouse at 8:00 a.m. for jury orientation. Depending on how many cases are going that particular day, you could be at the courthouse until 4:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. When you are serving on a case, the hours are approximately 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (depending on the judge).

  • May I bring a cell phone, laptop, tablet or other electronic device into the courthouse?

    Please note that cell phones may not be brought into the courthouse.

    The following items are also prohibited: cameras; laptop computers; magazines; books; newspapers; pocket knives; scissors; or any recording or electronic device.

  • May I bring my children with me to jury duty?

    No. Please do not bring your children to court as there are no facilities for them.

  • My son and/or daughter received the summons, but they are away in college. What do I do?

    If the person is away in college and, if it is possible, forward the summons to them. They will need to complete the questionnaire.

  • What are the grounds for requesting a permanent excuse and how do I request one?

    There are several legal reasons for which you can be excused. All excuses must be made in writing to the U.S. District Court jury office. You can mail, fax, or email your request (If you are emailing a medical excuse, a doctor's letter will also be required). You can be excused if:

    • You are 70 years of age or older
    • You are a firefighter or Police Officer
    • You have a grave medical condition or physical disability (for which a doctor’s letter is mandatory)
  • What area does the Middle District cover?

    The Middle District of Georgia covers 70 counties that stretch as far north as Franklin County and as far south as Echols County. Our headquarters is located in Macon with staffed offices in Albany, Athens, Columbus and Valdosta. Please visit Qualifying Counties for more information.

  • What if I am a caretaker for a disabled person who received a summons, or I receive a summons for a relative who is now deceased?

    Return the questionnaire on that person’s behalf. In the remarks section on the back of the form, please indicate:

    1. The nature of the disability; or
    2. Write “DECEASED” in the REMARKS section along with the date of his/her death; and
    3. Your name and relationship to the individual
  • What if I am hearing impaired or have another form of disability and still want to serve?

    Please contact the court at least one week in advance. Every reasonable effort will be made to accommodate.

    Sign language interpreter and/or auditory assistance devices may be available.
