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Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need to file a certificate of service for discovery or service of subpoenas?
No, certificates of service for discovery or the service of a subpoena are not to be filed. Please see MDGA Local Rule 5.1.
How do I check the status of my jury service?
Call 1-800-793-7903 to check reporting instructions or to check the status of your excuse. Click here for more information.
How do I pay my Federal Ticket?
Tickets are paid directly to CVB. The District Court does not accept payment for federal tickets. For general information regarding your ticket, telephone CVB at 800-827-2982. Click here for more information.
How do I request and pay for a certificate of good standing?
Log into your CM/ECF account. Click on either Civil or Criminal and choose Pay Fees to the Court.
I am having trouble with my PACER login and password. What should I do?
For assistance with your PACER account, please contact the PACER Service Center at 800-676-6856.
I am in E-juror and have entered my participant number and date of birth, but I am getting an error message that says my participant number and date of birth do not match. What do I do?
It is possible that you are on another court’s website. Be sure to use the web address as using a search engine for “E-juror” may take you to another district court’s website. You can be sure that you are on the correct website if you see the words, “Middle District of Georgia” on your computer screen.
What is the maximum file size for CM/ECF?
Our CM/ECF system has a Maximum PDF File Size of 50 MB. The Maximum Merge Document Size size is 800MB.
What technology is available at the courthouse?
Wireless access is available for attorneys in all of the courtrooms. Please ask the courtroom deputy for the password. Evidence presentation technology is also available in most of our courtrooms. See this link for more specific information.