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CJA eVoucher Information

CJA eVoucher is a web-based application that provides counsel, expert service providers, court staff, and judges with the ability to electronically create and process CJA vouchers and documents.  Users may access the application, using Internet Explorer 8 or greater using the link below.

HTM  eVoucher - Middle District of Georgia

HTM Helpdesk


If you are using a newer version of Internet Explorer, you will need to add the eVoucher site to your Compatibility Mode settings. To do this, click on the link above. Then go to Tools > Compatibility View Settings. Click Add to add Then click close. The login screen for eVoucher should then appear.

CJA panel attorneys requesting a login and password to access the eVoucher application should review and complete the CJA eVoucher Attorney Acknowledgment Form , returning the completed form via email to Before completing and returning the Attorney Acknowledge Form, you should review the and Manuals and Documentation below.

Manuals and Documentation

PDF  FAQ / Tips for Success

PDF  Attorney User Manual

PDF  Expert Specialities User Manual

PDF  How to Create a New CJA20 Voucher

PDF  Audit Assist

PDF  eVoucher Online Help Tool

New for Version 6.10

PDF  Create a Account

PDF  Adding an Authentication Method

PDF  Identity Verification

PDF  Linking Your eVoucher Account to Your Account

PDF  Accessing eVoucher

PDF Sign in Process

PDF  Accessing and Editing Your Single Login Profile (SLP)

A video walk through: Signing in to eVoucher with